Session 2
English Building, EB 108
11:20 AM - 12:30 PM
Our workshop will highlight our main service projects with an emphasis on how we provide in-need communities with the resources to prosper after PUSO has served.
The P.U.S.O. Foundation is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established in March 2017. Puso is a Tagalog (Filipino) word that directly translates to “heart” in English. However, it has a more powerful and personal meaning for this organization – P.U.S.O. is an acronym for the Purposeful Unconditional Service to Others. Since its inception, the P.U.S.O. Foundation has delivered on its mission to provide hope with a purpose by serving lives around the globe, thanks to the support and involvement of local and global volunteers, students and alumni of the College Outreach Program, and various corporate sponsors.