Ysabelle is a junior majoring in Animal Sciences and minoring in Food and Environmental Systems. In the future, Ysabelle hopes go to vet school and become a feline and canine vet focusing on radiology or rehabilitation therapy. In PSA, she has been a musician for Battle of the Bamboo and a dancer for FCN. Outside of PSA, Ysabelle is a resident advisor, desk clerk, and research lab employee. When she isn't talking about her dog, she is most likely working on her art business and participating in craft fairs in her free time.
Michael is a junior majoring in Animal Sciences with a concentration in Companion Animal Science and a minor in Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation. Ultimately his career goal is animal care and husbandry in an Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoo and design animal enclosures. Prior involvement in PSA includes being a Barkada performer and co-Awareness Chair with the fabulous Kristel Ong. Other current and prior involvements include being a Resident Advisor (RA) at Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall (LAR) with the Sustainability Learning Living Community (SLLC) and previously at Busey-Evans Residence Hall, Animal Care Intern at the Champaign County Humane Society (CCHS), a performer in the Asian American Center Fashion Show (AAAFS) and Illini Wushu Club (IWC), and a part-time worker at the university's Meat Science Lab. He is excited to see people come in droves to the Night Market and support Filipino small businesses and therefore the backbone of our community.